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Tableta para alucinógenos

Música para el nacimiento del agua

…Disco complementario al libro Ceremonias de Tierra y Agua (Castro, Varela et al. 1994). Contiene las músicas de la fiesta de Limpia Canales en Ayquina y Toconce, Alto Loa,…

Atuendos para la identidad

Culto y Funebria


…jicama, and coca, among other crops. Under the rule of the Tiwanaku Empire, the goods they produced were taken to the settlements of the Titicaca basin by llama caravan. The…


…by llama caravan, a form of transportation suited to this mountainous region. During this period, the people expanded the area available for growing by building farming terraces and platforms, along…


…a crucial role in Carnival, and is heard incessantly for the four days and nights that this celebration lasts. In Cariquima, an Altiplano town near Iquique, the instruments used include…

The pictographs of Confluencia

…Typical of the Confluencia style are scenes that combine human and animal figures, usually camelids, in a single composition. These were painted in red and reddish-yellow, usually inside…


…provided ample food for these small groups. They also manufactured stone projectile points for their spears, as well as knives and scrapers for slaughtering, and used the bones and skin…

The pictographs of Cueva Blanca

…relative numberof camelid figures also is lower in the Cueva Blanca style, while human figures are painted in frontal perspective and there is a significant increase in geometric motifs such…


…leading horse and cattle traders. Textile manufacture for both personal and commercial purposes also increased at this time, as did basket making, ceramics and, most significantly, silversmithing. The latter was…

Settlement pattern

…in the shape of a flattened cone at their temporary camps. These elliptical shaped structures consisted of a series of long, straight branches set into the ground and leaning inward….

Settlement patterns

…those times families came together to build a semi-permanent encampment. Dwelling types varied across the Kawésqar range, but were generally dome-shaped with an elliptical base that measured around 3 meters…


…was also used to make the horse tack, most notably the beautifully crafted Mapuche horse shoes, spurs and stirrups. Woven cloth is also a central element of Mapuche identity. Usage…

Culto y Funebria

…supreme being. Temaukel existed before the world and men were created and was omnipresent, incorporeal and above all, distant. Members of the Selk’nam were expressly forbidden to mention this being…


…The Alto Ramirez group had a mixed economy that combined agriculture with gathering (of plants and mollusks), fishing, and hunting of sea and land animals. They grew maize, peppers,…

A tale of two brothers

…the head of a rooster and some bits of bread. After walking all day, the poor brother came across a cave at nightfall and decided to sleep there, covering himself…

The Fox and the Rabbit

…and pledged to kill him, and to carry out her threat she made a person out of miske. One day, Rabbit came hopping along the road and encountered the miske…


Rapa Nui

…to the introduction of Polynesian music and the virtual disappearance of local music. Catholic missionaries also arrived during this time and had a dramatic impact on the music played on…


…resources, establishing small settlements on the coast close to freshwater sources. They moved goods to and from these different zones by llama caravans that traversed the desert and foothill regions….


…era of the Spanish conquest have shed new light on the culture’s handicrafts. Clothing items recovered include camelid (llama, alpaca and vicuña) wool caps, pelican feather headdresses, sea lion skin…


…but highly prized by the Yaghan. Women in Yaghan society were seen not only as sexual companions and a source of domestic labor, but also as valuable workers for their…


…food species, medicinal plants, and woody and fibrous plants for making cord and baskets. They also collected materials for making instruments. Towards the end of this long period these hunter-gatherers,…