Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

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…de piedra con figuras de llamas con formas humanas. El estilo de arte rupestre de este período, conocida como Taira-Tulán, se caracteriza por grabados de grandes representaciones de camélidos naturalistas…


The earliest cave paintings in the region were the work of the ancient Paleo-Indian groups, and the hunter peoples continued the tradition, producing both positive and relief images…

Settlement pattern

In the early stages of this period, the people lived in large or small villages made up of circular, half-buried dwellings grouped around a common patio. Their settlements…

Construcción de una momia chinchorro

Los grupos Chinchorro vivieron en la costa norte de Chile y sur del Perú entre los años 5000 y 1500 años a.C. Estos pescadores nómades buscaron conservar los…


…El Vergel ceramics featured large dishes used as funerary urns and jugs in the form of ducks (called ketru metawe in the local Mapudungun language), decorated with geometric motifs…

The Fox and the Rabbit

…and he danced for joy to have killed his cruel friend Fox. Uybirmallco (Mountains that give us life) Aymara oral tradition Rucio Flores M. Julián Amaro M. Juan Podestá A….


…more elaborate items such as jugs in the form of animals, plants (squash) or humans. Also appearing at this time were the first asymmetric vessels, known as Ketru Metawe or…

Environment and Location

…These groups inhabited the western coasts of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego in the far south of Chile, a region of rugged islands, fjords, and channels extending southwards from…


Escuchar Banda de bronces Huaviña Banda Sensación Andina. Fiesta patronal de San Juan en Huaviña. 25 junio de 1994. Grabación: José Pérez de Arce. Archivo MCHAP. Escuchar…

Beliefs and funeral rites

…The Inka ruled a theocratic state in which social and economic life were governed by religious beliefs. Their central deities —Wiraqocha (the creator), Inti (sun god) and Killa (moon…


The Mapuche tongue is known as Mapudungu (“language of the land”) or Mapudungun (“the people’s tongue”). Typologically, it is polysynthetic and agglutinative, with frequent use of suffixes. Its…

Three-beamed raft

…Dozens of miniature replicas of the ancient three-beamed raft have been found in ancient tombs near the desert coasts of southern Peru and northern Chile, especially near Arica….


These groups manufactured a variety of crafts in stone, wood, bone, textiles and metal, as well producing baskets, decorated gourds, bead necklaces of worked copper and toba stone….

Settlement pattern

…roads running between them. This village was built at the peak of the Pica culture, and was probably the “headquarters” of this society. Caserones is another major site, also located…

Beliefs and funeral rites

Farmers and herders with central organization

In the context of the prehistory of Chile, there exist two instances where a dramatic change occurred, cutting the prevailing modes of life: the presence of the…

The Son of the Canelo

…Once, while rubbing together two sticks, Alape discovered fire. His companion was very afraid and put out the fire, because he was not used to the heat. Alape made fire…

Environment and Location

…the Aconcagua Valley) the melting of the ice left behind a land sprinkled with lakes and rushing rivers, increasing vegetation and concentrating herds of large land animals, now extinct, around…


These groups were the first in Choapa province to produce ceramics. They manufactured small vessels with narrow mouths, well-fired and durable so they were less likely to be…

Environment and Location

…the empire ran from the enormous plains and salt flats of the Bolivian Altiplano to the Pacific coast and valleys of southern Peru and the desert oases of northern Chile….

Settlement pattern

In the Early Archaic period, the moist environmental conditions allowed small bands of hunter-gatherers to roam around in search of different resources, occupying caves and rock shelters along…


The typical ceramic forms of the Las Ánimas featured high flaring sides, polished black interiors and exterior decorative fields with geometric designs in black on a red, salmon,…


The El Molle people were expert stoneworkers who sculpted and polished stone to produce pipes in inverted-T forms, as well as their characteristic lip ornaments known as tembetás,…