Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

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…used. These refer mainly to their boats and their tents, which were of a design known as the ruca. The Changos seem to have dressed in simple attire made from…

The story of the Shepherdess

…cave, asking the fox to tell her father, Urrucutu Pancho, where she is and what has happened to her. The fox runs through the countryside crying: —Urrucutu Pancho, Urrucutu Pancho……

The pictographs of Tambillo

…Quebrada de Quisma, Pica, I Region of Tarapacá Timeframe: Approximately 1000¬–1600 A.D. Site: Tambillo Source: A. M. Llamazares, 1993, “Arte rupestre de las quebradas de Guatacondo y Quisma, norte de…


…from generation to generation, like other Mapuche traditions. One form of that art is the people’s renowned silversmithing techniques (called rutran), which began when the Spanish arrived and small scale…

Entonación del Zurdo

…Santos Rubio y Chosto Ulloa cantan la entonación del Zurdo, uno de los primeros guitarroneros de quien se tiene memoria en Pirque (el Zurdo Ortega). Esta entonación también era…

Emblema de la mujer casada

A tale of two brothers

…puts them on his own head. He feels terrified. All of a sudden, the rooster head begins to crow. The men stop their dance, remove the armor, and run away….

Social Organization

…Traditional Quechua communities are organized into groups based on extended family or friendship ties, and their members live in both urban and rural settings. The community comes together for…


…Early historians recount that around 1471, the Inka ruler Topa Inka Yupanki sought to expand his rule over Kollasuyu south of the Aconcagua River. Later his son, Wayna Kapac,…

The petroglyphs of Las Lizas

…A.D. Style: Las Lizas Source: H. Niemeyer, 1985, “El yacimiento de petroglifos Las Lizas (Región de Atacama, Provincia de Copiapó, Chile)”, in Estudios en arte rupestre, C. Aldunate, J. Berenguer…

Sonidos del Cancosa Anata 2005

…a Katherine Moscoso Entrevista a Celia Chapalla Lluvia Marcado 1 Marcado 2 Bandola Lunes. Munai pata Lunes. Pinkillos Lunes. Entrada Lunes. Membrillazos a la Iglesia Lunes. Pasacalle Lunes. Rueda en…


…group of individuals). Over the next 20 years the Mapuche sank deeper into poverty, but made use of communal land rights, returning to subsistence farming with rudimentary technology and small…


…outside rule until 1882, when the Army of the Republic of Chile began its campaign for the “Pacification of the Araucanía Region.” The campaign came in response to the urgent…

Corn on the stalk. Stories of Pirque.

…Chosto Ulloa and Santos Rubio, poetic singers, guitarrón players, storytellers and profound philosophers, kept the guitarrón tradition alive in Pirque, Central Chile, in the late 20th century. Raised in…

La caña con choclo. Historias pircanas

…Chosto Ulloa y Santos Rubio, cantores a lo poeta, guitarroneros, contadores de historias y profundos filósofos, mantuvieron y difundieron el toque del guitarrón en Pirque, Chile central, a finales…

Reunión cantores escuchando Concursos de Canto 1965

…diversas ciudades entre 1965 y 1976. En dos oportunidades nos juntamos en el Archivo de Literatura Oral de la Biblioteca Nacional con Micaela Navarrete y los poetas Santos Rubio, Manuel…

Segundo Encuentro Nacional de Guitarroneros – 2003

…Fragmentos del Segundo Encuentro Nacional de Guitarroneros, realizado en la Fundación de Vida Rural de la UC, en Pirque el año 2003. El Encuentro fue organizado por la Agrupación…

Encordando un guitarrón

…Santos Rubio y Chosto Ulloa encuerdan el nuevo guitarrón de don Chosto. El Principal de Pirque, 2007. Este video forma parte de los fragmentos de archivos del proyecto Archivo…


The earliest evidence of artistic expression during this period includes stones painted with abstract designs. Lumps of red pigment have also been found that were used to color…


…and that Mamiña, Miñe Miñe and Quipisca are ancient communities dating back to when these territories belonged to Peru, a time when the majority of the population was Quechua….

The devils`tale

…grabbed a bag of toasted flour and a pouch of coca leaves and fled through a desolate, rugged land with no trail in sight. As the sun was setting, he…


…sway and rule over them, they joined together and were able to resist him. Thus, Cenuke was thwarted in his desire, even though he had many relatives. Cenuke killed people…

Llama Caravans in the Desert

…farming communities. The caravans required male cargo llamas, a network of cattle trails and rudimentary way stations with suitable forage, water, firewood, and shelter. These llama trains usually consisted of…


…The ruling class of Tiwanaku is thought to have legitimized its rule through emblematic iconography, which was designed to proclaim and maintain its domination over the empire’s many territories….