Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

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La Piedra tallada y pulida

Atuendos para la identidad

The devils`tale

…strangers. One of the young men asked: —What time is mass? And one of the strangers answered: —In the afternoon. So the young men returned home. A few hours later…

Rapa Nui

…engraved on the European imagination. In 1786, the French expedition led by Admiral La Pérouse also briefly visited some of the island’s sites. In the 19th century, a new historical

Construcción de la kallanca de Turi

…más sagrado del poblado de Turi, en el desierto de Atacama, para instalar allí sus emblemáticas edificaciones. En esta animación es posible observar la construcción de la kallanca de Turi….

Marine hunter-gatherers of the southern zone

also took advantage of large tidal variations, especially in the extreme south, with a simple but very efficient technology—fishing weirs, which were stone walled enclosures into which fish swam at…

Inka Provincial Ceramics

…Inka capital of Cuzco. Lastly, the plate was used to serve individual portions of solid or semi-solid food, including meat. These three kinds of dishes would have been handled mainly…

The geoglyph of Cerro Sagrado

…marine resources and collected guano from nearby islands. These residents would also have organized the transport of these articles in llama caravans bound for the mountains and Altiplano of Arica….

The pictographs of El Médano

…are extraordinarily small, sometimes almost invisible beside the large animals. This size difference is considered to be exaggerated—capturing species this large would have almost certainly capsized the small crafts—which points…

Mantel: inkuña

…meridionales de la costa desértica andina, en un período inmediatamente anterior al Tawantinsuyu. Por sus características técnicas y formales, sin embargo, parece ser de origen serrano. Su urdimbre y trama…


…In ancient times, the people of Rapa Nui subsisted by growing several varieties of plantain, squash, tubers and sugar cane, and complemented their diet with fishing, hunting and gatheringfood…


…his father and mother. While he lived here on Earth he was called Hasaps, but later he was transformed into the star called Cenuke. In his youth he was rebellious,…


…The music of the Yámana, like that of all the indigenous peoples of Tierra del Fuego, was characterized by the absence of all musical instruments except the voice, which…

Art Up Close and Personal

…or bone. The artists incised and/or carved these raw materials to create tablets, tubes, miniature mortars and tiny spoons with finely detailed images in two- and three-dimensions and even bas-relief….

Del hilado al tejido

Darwin. Un viaje al fin del mundo

…Darwin a bordo del Beagle. Dio la vuelta al mundo pasando por América del Sur. La pampa argentina, los canales patagónicos, el sur de Chile, la cordillera de Los Andes…

Llama Caravans in the Desert

…farming communities. The caravans required male cargo llamas, a network of cattle trails and rudimentary way stations with suitable forage, water, firewood, and shelter. These llama trains usually consisted of…

Social Organization Depicted on a Gourd

…de las sociedades locales, o más bien, alude a una alianza interétnica como la que operaba en el área entre atacamas y chichas al arribo de los españoles en el…

La creación selk`nam. Un mito de Tierra del Fuego

…El mito de creación Selk`nam narrado en teatro de sombras. Temaukel, el gran dios, crea a Kenós para que forme el mundo y los hombres. De los antepasados Selk`nam…

Los changos en la actualidad

…Este video fue realizado para la exposición Pescadores de la niebla: los changos y sus ancestros (MCHAP 2008 – 2009). Filmado en Cobija, costa norte de Chile, muestra la


Kai Kai y Treng Treng

…cries caused a great rain to fall. And the rains turned into a storm and then a deluge, flooding all the earth. To save themselves, the Mapuche people ran to…

The Creation

…According to the Mapuche cosmovision, in the beginning there was only air, and the master of that air was called Ngen, a powerful spirit who dwelt among other spirits….


…era of the Spanish conquest have shed new light on the culture’s handicrafts. Clothing items recovered include camelid (llama, alpaca and vicuña) wool caps, pelican feather headdresses, sea lion skin…