Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

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La historia del hombre de piedra

De cómo Taiyin vino en ayuda de la gente

Cuento de Repa A’ punja

The story of chimango

…Tierra del Fuego. Martín Gusinde, Anne Chapman. Lom ediciones. 2006. [1] The Yámana word for Chimango (a bird of prey, also called Tiuque) [2] Thereafter. [3] A supernatural being….

The condor and the shepherdess

…the condor. And as the picaflor flew away to freedom, all of the birds that the condor had called together laughed uproariously and flapped their wings in amusement. The grandfathers…

Yakana, la constelación de la llama

…nocturno reconocen a Yakana, la constelación de la Llama. Se cree que allí habitan animales mitológicos asociados a la abundancia y prosperidad. Francisco Gallardo Ibáñez / 4 minutos / 2002…

Yakana, the constellation of the Llama (Animation, spanish)

…recognize the Yakana, the constellation of the Llama. It is believed that there inhabit mythological animals associated with abundance and prosperidad. Francisco Gallardo Ibáñez / 4 minutes / 2002  …

Far South

…Magellan and the Strait of Le Maire, also known as the Cape Horn route. The desire to reach and explore increasingly distant lands had sparked the imagination and given rise…

The story of the wild goose couple

…In olden times, the only clothing a woman wore was her mas haka-na and loincloth, and she usually removed the latter inside the hut. Once there was a mother…

South Central

…up in the province of the promaucae, chief Caupolicán was victorious in the Araucanía region and the cities of Concepción, La Imperial, Villarrica and Valdivia were besieged. These events also…

La diferencia en la cabeza

The story of the Shepherdess

…hoists her up, along with the child. Later, as the sun is going down, the weary condor flies home to the cave on the mountain. There, he is devastated to…

The picture-engravings of Taira

allusion to the myth of the Celestial Llama and its Offspring, which is said to have descended at night from the sky to drink from freshwater springs on the land…

Expedition of the Seven Explorers

…Hanga Hoonu, where they also saw very little sand. Ira said, “There is no suitable landing here for the King. The bay is small and the King cannot disembark here.”…

Warrior Headgear

…Precolombino, Santiago. J. Berenguer, 2006, “Señales en la cabeza. Los tocados de Wirakocha en el norte de Chile”, in Gorros del desierto, pp. 38-40, Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, Santiago….

Semi-Arid North

language; they also bore the marks of their incorporation into the Inca Empire of Tawantinsuyu. The Incas annexed valleys such as Copiapó for their agricultural and mineral potential and built…


…guano for use as a fertilizer—all highly prized items among the inlanders. In exchange, the Chango received llama and alpaca wool, as well as fruit, maize, and coca, food products…


…Conquered by the valleys of central Chile By the time Diego de Almagro the Elder undertook his expedition La flor de las Indias (The Flower of the Indies)…

Arid North

la Grande,” where the city of San Pedro de Atacama stands today. This group would gather provisions and await Almagro’s host. When he reached Copiapó, Almagro learned from local chiefs…

Agricultural-pastoralists related toTiwanaku State

…ties with local authorities, cementing themwith valuable gifts from the Altiplano such as pieces of gold discovered in the tombs of Larache, thereby forcing a bond with these peoples….

From the Crucible to the Mold

…metal to increase its malleability and allow objects to be shaped. Three-dimensional sculpted objects and elaborately decorated ones could also be made by pouring the liquid metal into molds using…

Story of the Forbidden Otter and the Great Flood

…made camp… the tide always goes out quickly, no? and later, the tide went out, seeing that the tide was out, he left, the story goes. Afterward, he saw his…

De la tierra a la pantalla

…Viaje al interior de las vidas de tres comunicadores Mapuche que a través de radio, video e Internet, combaten los medios de comunicación masiva con imágenes y los puntos…

900 D.C.: La invasión de la pintura y las escudillas