Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

Search Results for: 출장마사지,울진모텔출장,김포24시안마,예천후불제출장안마,춘천출장만남,인제콜걸,【】


…included communities as far away as the Atacama Desert, where similar ceremonial practices were already in use. In fact, these two peoples shared a common ritual language that enabled the…


…European and local mestizo settlers was facilitated by restricting local indigenous inhabitants to small plots of communally held land. The direct consequences of this process for Mapuche society included a…

Social Organization

…Traditional Colla society is organized on the basis of family and friendship ties among people living in the same locality. With the official constitution of indigenous communities under Indigenous…

Bolsa – Chuspa con borla

…Tejido de urdimbre complementaria, bordado en puntada de tallo sobre algodón y flecadura por torsión (borlas), fibra de camélido. El motivo central de esta bolsa es un personaje antropomorfo…

Bolsa – Faja

…Tejido de urdimbre complementaria, fibra de camélido. Por lo general, la cara interior de estas fajas, que va pegada al cuerpo, sólo presenta listados. Hacia el final de la…

Beliefs and funeral rites

…can be traced back to the Chinchorro culture and the Huentelauquén complex. Within this belief system, ancestor worship seems to hold a special place. In pre-Hispanic times the dead were…

Chamanes y curanderos


…The Aymara language belongs to the jaqi family. It is polysynthetic and agglutinative, with a tendency to employ suffixes. It is both complex and regular, using compound words where…


…black and very finely polished. Common pieces include pukos or bowls, pots, round pitchers, jars and cups, some of them decorated with abstract images of human faces or geometric patterns…

Paño: inkuña

…en la iconografía religiosa de las culturas contemporáneas del altiplano peruano-boliviano, como Pucara y Chiripa. Comparte con los tejidos tempranos andinos, el rasgo técnico de encadenar las orillas finales de…

Jarro polícromo zoomorfo

…cocción es bastante deficiente en comparación con la excelencia alcanzada en engobes y decoración. La vasija sugiere la representación de un felino, aunque faltan por erosión algunos elementos para definirlo,…

Social Organization Depicted on a Gourd

…trajes en forma de escudo y otros cinco llevan lo que parecen ser corazas de cuero, uno de los cuales sostiene un hacha en la mano. El personaje restante combina…

Toasting, Inka Style

…in the community as a permanent reminder of the community’s new inalterable relation of power with the Inka State. The kero cups embedded in the mud walls of the monumental…

Agricultural-pastoralists of the arid north

…North of what is now Chile became increasingly complex economically and socially, a process that would change their way of life from horticultural-pastoralist to agricultural-pastoralist. This development would reach its…

Environment and Geography

…The present-day Diaguita people are located in in the Huasco and Choapa river valleys of Chile’s Norte Chico region, where they have officially constituted as indigenous communities, based on…


…know about this language, as it disappeared quickly after the Spanish conquest, according to historians. Present-day Diaguita communities in Chile speak Spanish only. According to scholar Ricardo Latcham, surnames ending…


…In many ways, the Las Ánimas groups broke with the past to begin a new cultural tradition. The formerly common tembetás or lip adornments of the El Molle culture…


…These coastal hunter-gatherer-fishers had a subsistence economy based on hunting, fishing and gathering of marine resources such as mollusks, fish, marine mammals and sea birds. They complemented their diet…

Marine fisher-hunter-gatherers of the Arid North

Given their already intimate knowledge of marine resources, the introduction of the fishhook prompted a major turning point in the lives of the marine hunter-gatherers of the…

Marine hunter-gatherers

At almost the same time that the terrestrial hunter-gatherer way of life emerged inland, along Chile’s extensive coastline other groups relied on the coastal environment as their…


In the last few centuries before the Spanish conquest, the Araucania Region was part of a larger sphere of interaction that extended beyond its boundaries and interacted with…

The petroglyphs of Kalina

Eight kilometers south of Alero de Taira is the archeological site of Calina Oeste, an open-air campcontaining the remains of several circular stone-walled dwellings. The camp’s former…

Hunter-gatherers of the central Chile

During the final stage of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, a few herds of huge herbivores still roamed around parts of the Central Valley, especially near bodies of water…

By pass Temuco: Ta iñ newentumun

…La construcción de carretera de alta velocidad en la ciudad de Temuco (sur de Chile) y sus efectos sobre comunidades mapuches. Un reflejo del dilema modernidad-desarrollo versus el costo…