Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

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Organización Social

The regional variations observed among the El Molle groups—their distinct burial patterns and types of ceramics, for example—suggest that, despite their common cultural foundation, each valley was inhabited…

Social organization

While the members of the Aconcagua culture may have felt a sense of belonging to the same society, they had no extended political units or marked social differences….

Social organization

The family was the Chono’s basic social unit within this monogamous and patriarchal culture. The men had great authority over the women. The extended family gathered at coastal…

Pueblos atacameños: estilo y entusiasmo 1969-1988

Recopilación de cantos y música atacameña registradas por distintos investigadores entre 1969 y 1988 en las comunidades de Peine, Socaire, Cámar, Talabre, Toconao, San Pedro de Atacama y…


organizational leaders, from the country to the city, through a steady process of migration and the emergence of an intellectual and professional elite at the heart of Mapuche society. In…

Semi-Arid North

…lands and organization. As we look at the inhabitants of that geography, we may ask ourselves: What would happen if we went exploring into the past and present of these…


organized to ensure access to and control over resources that are found in different environmental niches of the region. Subsistence agriculture is employed with a wide range of crops –…

Beliefs and funeral rites

…the Pacha, which is constantly being renewed through a process of ‘revolution’ referred to as Kuti. This rhythmic, organic concept of time is interwoven with a more linear view of…

Beliefs and funerary practices

…a flat profile and obvious sexual organs were female. From that mythical time to the present, figures like these have become one of the most traditional expressions of Rapa Nui…

Arid North

…and including the settlements of the Loa River and those on the coast, as well as the parish annex and port of Cobija. The Spanish colonial society organized the indigenous…


…of the Tiwanaku culture (500-1000CE). Before the fall of this pre-Hispanic culture, the Colla people, as they were then known, lived independently, organized into local domains called Señoríos, some of…


…dogs. The eastern Yaghan also sometimes hunted the llama-like guanaco on land. This division of labor between all family members in Yaghan society was essential to their social organization, as…

Cultural evolution

…The evolution of societies is classified according to Ways of Life, which describe the primary way in which groups organized themselves to survive, including the technologies they used and…


…was not conducive to preserving organic material, little is known about their textile art or woodworking, although the discovery of a well-preserved young woman buried in a ceramic urn shows…

Farmers and herders

…with the social needs of organizing agricultural production, livestock and the resulting products (meat, wool and raw materials), specialization among people emerges. The economic potential of surplus resources allowed certain…

The pictographs of Cueva Blanca

…of certain resources, especially given the increasing importance of agriculture and livestock among societies of the time. These portrayals reflect a shift from an organizationally simple herding and horticulturalist economy…

Hunters of the Megafauna

…However, the social organization required to hunt these large herbivores—which usually lived in herds—and the large quantity of resources they provided, required these early groups to maintain a certain way…

Ways of Life

…What are ways of life? A simple way to distinguish and classify human societies is to consider how people organize themselves to survive, certain technology they use, and the…

The geoglyph of Cerro Sagrado

…marine resources and collected guano from nearby islands. These residents would also have organized the transport of these articles in llama caravans bound for the mountains and Altiplano of Arica….


…made seashell necklaces and animal tooth pendants. Since the region’s damp environment accelerates the decay of organic matter, there is little evidence left to allow us to understand this important…

Mantel: inkuña

…son de fibra de camélido y en su diseño hay un claro predominio de la urdimbre. La organización formal del tejido es simétrica, generándose del centro hacia los costados. El…

Segundo Encuentro Nacional de Guitarroneros – 2003

…Fragmentos del Segundo Encuentro Nacional de Guitarroneros, realizado en la Fundación de Vida Rural de la UC, en Pirque el año 2003. El Encuentro fue organizado por la Agrupación…

The encounter

…how the Conquest imposed more than just a new system of political, administrative, economic and social organization on the American lands that were incorporated into the Spanish realm; what was…


…society and performs its own dance, which may take an entire year to prepare. The alférez or flag bearer is the individual responsible for organizing the festival and providing enough…