Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

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Organización Social

…Little is known about the social organization of the Pitrén people, though it is thought that they lived in relatively autonomous nuclear family units, with the head of the…

El orgullo de ser Rapa Nui

…Documental centrado en la gente Rapanui (Isla de Pascua) a través de distintas entrevistas. Una visión honesta y auténtica de un pueblo que defiende sus orígenes y está orgulloso…

Social organization

…Tiwanaku society was organized into different social classes in the following hierarchical order: leaders, priests, administrators, artisans and lastly the large masses of peasants and herders. In these times…

Social organization

…The introduction of farming practices and the consolidation of village life led to an increasing social complexity in these societies. This new way of life required more social organization…

Social organization

Very little is known about this aspect of early hunter culture, but it is likely that these groups lived in small family bands, a unit that was suited…

Social organization

Organización Social

The Copiapó people probably lived in kinship-based societies with no social classes but with some individuals having more status based on their ability to mobilize the population and…

Organización Social

The El Vergel people lived in small family groups and maintained social relations with other nearby groups, with whom they formed larger socio-cultural…

Organización Social

These hunter-gatherers lived in small nomadic family bands and divided their labor according to age and sex. They probably maintained social and kinship ties with other bands inhabiting…

Social organization

Archeologists believe that the Cabuza had the same hierarchical structure as the Tiwanaku Empire, as their cemeteries contain graves of high ranking officials with grave goods and offerings…

Organización Social

The Bato lived in fairly independent family groups, each of which ranged over an extensive area. Despite this singular existence, they shared ideological elements with other groups, indicating…

Social organization

The presence of monuments, in the form of many large burial mounds, tells us something of the social life of the Alto Ramírez people. Building these complex structures…

Organización Social

…Little is known about the social organization of these groups, although their settlement pattern indicates that they lived in extended family groups composed of a couple, their children and…

Social organization

…At its height, Rapa Nui society was organized into territorial clans, each with its own lineage that included several extended families. The clans were governed by a powerful religious…

Organización Social

The hunter gatherers of Central Chile lived in small nomadic bands that moved around their territory in search of seasonal food supplies. As their hunting techniques became more…

Social organization

The Chinchorro lived in small bands or groups of 30 to 50 individuals, apparently based on kinship. They would certainly have had a division of roles based on…

Organización Social

Archeologists believe that the Diaguita people lived in small, autonomous villages, each with its own leader. Each valley, and perhaps even each locality, was also considered autonomous, although…

Social organization

El desarrollo aldeano asociado a una arquitectura de carácter ceremonial y la proliferación de nuevas actividades de subsistencia, sugiere un aumento de la complejidad social. Debió existir entre…

Social organization

The fundamental unit of Yaghan society was the family, which consisted of parents and children. The family was a closed, independent structure and the only clearly determined social…

Organización Social

There is no clear evidence that Llolleo society was divided hierarchically. However, the presence of craniums with intentional deformations could point to social marking or differentiation of social…

Organización Social

The center of canoe hunter society was probably the extended family, which moved around the southern Chilean sea channels in their canoes. Camps were probably occupied by one…

Social organization

The basic unit of Kawésqar society was the family. There was also a chief, who took charge of hunting expeditions. The individual chosen was normally the strongest man…

Social organization

Early hierarchical structuring among the San Pedro people has been deduced from the presence of different assemblages of grave goods, which suggests that some individuals enjoyed a more…

Organización Social

The cultural variations observed among Las Ánimas groups living in different valleys suggest the existence of distinct populations, each under the direction of its own leaders and religious…