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Art Up Close and Personal

…less than 20 centimeters long, making them highly portable. Their tiny motifs are often less than 1 cm in area, indicating clearly that they were designed to be seen from…


…that were bent with fire then formed into a boat shape, with two side planks fitted alongside a longer central plank to form a long, narrow canoe. The planks were…

Mantel: inkuña

…La voz kechua designa una prenda tejida a telar, de forma rectangular, usada hasta la actualidad por los pueblos andinos para transportar pequeños objetos en un atado o para

Settlement patterns

…The Aymara have a number of subgroups, each with its own territory or marka, centered around a political, social and religious capital. The marka consists of the ayllu, the…


…giving the territory its name and endowing the land with the aura of a mythical land inhabited by giants. Although the Tehuelche had a common way of life and language,…

Organización Social

…entities: individuals belonged to their father’s shó´on and could not marry within that group, whether blood relations or not. Kinship relations were bilateral and included all blood relatives up to…


…and other rituals. Such chants were repetitive and hypnotic, with strong, continuous inflexions that allowed the shaman to achieve a mental state of complete control over the body and energy….


…dogs. The eastern Yaghan also sometimes hunted the llama-like guanaco on land. This division of labor between all family members in Yaghan society was essential to their social organization, as…

Music and Dance

…or stop it, songs to ensure a good harvest, to invoke the spirits and ancestors, to guide the dead, and so on. Music also plays an important social role as…

The petroglyphs of Kalina

…Eight kilometers south of Alero de Taira is the archeological site of Calina Oeste, an open-air campcontaining the remains of several circular stone-walled dwellings. The camp’s former occupants…

Settlement patterns

…ten people. The family traveled with its dogs, weapons and tools, and the leather sheet that was used as a tarp at campsites (tchelo). Contemporary sources also relate that Kawésqar…


…but highly prized by the Yaghan. Women in Yaghan society were seen not only as sexual companions and a source of domestic labor, but also as valuable workers for their…


…one, according to the natural cycle that governs the agricultural and herding calendar. This division is also reflected in the musical instruments and songs of these people, which are played…

Beliefs and funeral rites

…This ceremony is organized and largely paid for by the alférez (‘flag bearer’), an honorary position that comes with great responsibility and personal expenditure. Today, such celebrations are on the…

Brindis por una alianza

Del hilado al tejido

Yakana, la constelación de la llama

…nocturno reconocen a Yakana, la constelación de la Llama. Se cree que allí habitan animales mitológicos asociados a la abundancia y prosperidad. Francisco Gallardo Ibáñez / 4 minutos / 2002…

Yakana, the constellation of the Llama (Animation, spanish)

…recognize the Yakana, the constellation of the Llama. It is believed that there inhabit mythological animals associated with abundance and prosperidad. Francisco Gallardo Ibáñez / 4 minutes / 2002  …

Llama Caravans in the Desert

…At least once every year, Altiplano herders would journey to the lowlands with their llama herds in order to exchange locally made goods for those produced by lowland…

The pictographs of Milla

…with a zigzag motif and headdress similar to the traditional conical hats of the Tamarugal Pampa. Another panel contains a scene that is explicitly linked to llama reproduction, revealing the…


…with complex water systems. Livestock husbandry was based on alpacas and llamas before the arrival of the Spanish; today, sheep, goats and mules are also raised. The people obtained meat,…


…Until the time of the Spanish conquest, both men and women wore thick tunics made from llama or alpaca wool and drawn in at the waist with a woolen…

Warrior Headgear

…protected the wearer’s head, ears and neck. A narrow notch at the front allowed him to see. Designs made of colored yarn and insignias attached to the helmet’s surface probably…


…The music of the Yámana, like that of all the indigenous peoples of Tierra del Fuego, was characterized by the absence of all musical instruments except the voice, which…