Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

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Yakana, la constelación de la llama

…nocturno reconocen a Yakana, la constelación de la Llama. Se cree que allí habitan animales mitológicos asociados a la abundancia y prosperidad. Francisco Gallardo Ibáñez / 4 minutos / 2002…

Yakana, the constellation of the Llama (Animation, spanish)

…recognize the Yakana, the constellation of the Llama. It is believed that there inhabit mythological animals associated with abundance and prosperidad. Francisco Gallardo Ibáñez / 4 minutes / 2002  …

900 D.C.: La invasión de la pintura y las escudillas

La diferencia en la cabeza

Story of the Forbidden Otter and the Great Flood

…made camp… the tide always goes out quickly, no? and later, the tide went out, seeing that the tide was out, he left, the story goes. Afterward, he saw his…

The story of the wild goose couple

…idea…She began acting very tired, lay down and pretended to sleep, hoping her son would fall asleep too. The little boy remained completely still and also pretended to sleep. Not…

De la tierra a la pantalla

…Viaje al interior de las vidas de tres comunicadores Mapuche que a través de radio, video e Internet, combaten los medios de comunicación masiva con imágenes y los puntos…

La historia del hombre de piedra

De cómo Taiyin vino en ayuda de la gente

Cuento de Repa A’ punja

The story of chimango

…Tierra del Fuego. Martín Gusinde, Anne Chapman. Lom ediciones. 2006. [1] The Yámana word for Chimango (a bird of prey, also called Tiuque) [2] Thereafter. [3] A supernatural being….

The story of the Shepherdess

…hoists her up, along with the child. Later, as the sun is going down, the weary condor flies home to the cave on the mountain. There, he is devastated to…

Del hilado al tejido

The condor and the shepherdess

…necks. Uybirmallco (Cerros que nos dan la vida) Tradición oral aymara. (Uybirmallco (Mountains that give us life) Aymara oral tradition) Rucio Flores M. Julián Amaro M. Juan Podestá A….

Agricultural-pastoralists related toTiwanaku State

…especially around the Atacama salt flat, the Tiwanaku state established economic and political ties with local authorities, cementing themwith valuable gifts from the Altiplano such as pieces of gold discovered…

Darwin. Un viaje al fin del mundo

…Darwin a bordo del Beagle. Dio la vuelta al mundo pasando por América del Sur. La pampa argentina, los canales patagónicos, el sur de Chile, la cordillera de Los Andes…

From the Crucible to the Mold

…be more easily gripped with long wooden handles. Another kind had a circular hole to drain the smelted metal into molds, as well as a plug to control the flow…

Cueca Al pasar por un jardín y doña Tila Morales

…Luego de cantar a lo divino a la Virgen del Paso del Clarillo, los cantores pircano se alegran cantando y bailando cuecas. Chosto Ulloa toca guitarra y canta, Audilio…

Inka Provincial Ceramics

…Inka capital of Cuzco. Lastly, the plate was used to serve individual portions of solid or semi-solid food, including meat. These three kinds of dishes would have been handled mainly…

Continuity and Change Era

Diversity Era

El inka en la memoria

…vestigios de esta ocupación: arquitectura, el camino inka y el recuerdo en la memoria de la gente, leyendas e historias desde el norte grande al centro de Chile. Las palabras…

Quilama, entre el cielo y la mar

…En la caleta de Ventanas, zona central de Chile, vive Luis Galdames (Quilama), pescador tradicional y alférez de los bailes chinos. Este documental nos habla sobre la relación de…

Diaguita Clothing

…The humid conditions in the region known as the ‘Norte Chico’ of Chile prevented many archeological objects made from perishable materials from being preserved. This is especially true…