Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

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Cuento de Repa A’ punja

La historia del hombre de piedra

De cómo Taiyin vino en ayuda de la gente

Far South

…and channels, was also peripheral to the Kingdom of Chile and was inhabited by the Chono, Caucaue and other indigenous canoeist groups. Well before the arrival of the Europeans, this…

The condor and the shepherdess

…returned to the cave carrying the piece of meat all dirty and blackened. But while the condor was at the yareta bush, the little shepherdess continued her weeping, and as…

South Central

…up in the province of the promaucae, chief Caupolicán was victorious in the Araucanía region and the cities of Concepción, La Imperial, Villarrica and Valdivia were besieged. These events also…

Expedition of the Seven Explorers

…the seventh Mako’i Ringiringi A’Huatava. These seven men came, all ariki (royal) and ariki paka (princes). They came from Hiva in a sailing vessel. Hau Maka said to them, “When…

Semi-Arid North

…language; they also bore the marks of their incorporation into the Inca Empire of Tawantinsuyu. The Incas annexed valleys such as Copiapó for their agricultural and mineral potential and built…

From the Crucible to the Mold

…metal to increase its malleability and allow objects to be shaped. Three-dimensional sculpted objects and elaborately decorated ones could also be made by pouring the liquid metal into molds using…

Arid North

…each with his own horses, yanaconas (indigenous servants), provisions, and cooking implements. Each would also carry gourds and animal hide bags to transport water between watering holes and for provisions…

The picture-engravings of Taira

allusion to the myth of the Celestial Llama and its Offspring, which is said to have descended at night from the sky to drink from freshwater springs on the land…

Agricultural-pastoralists related toTiwanaku State

…southern Altiplano of the Central Andes. From their central settlement at the monumental site of Tiwanaku, they deployed two separate strategies to access resources and interact with groups on the…

The story of chimango

…Tierra del Fuego. Martín Gusinde, Anne Chapman. Lom ediciones. 2006. [1] The Yámana word for Chimango (a bird of prey, also called Tiuque) [2] Thereafter. [3] A supernatural being….


…the indigenous peoples to the Spanish Empire were relatively complete in vast areas of Mesoamerica (1519) and the Central Andes (1532). Diego de Almagro, as the appointed Adelantado (Provisional Governor…

Settlement pattern

…precordilleranos. Los asentamientos más estables, con muros de piedra, se establecieron en las quebradas aptas para el pastoreo de llamas. Con materiales perecederos construyeron campamentos semipermanentes en los oasis, aprovechando…

Yakana, the constellation of the Llama (Animation, spanish)

…recognize the Yakana, the constellation of the Llama. It is believed that there inhabit mythological animals associated with abundance and prosperidad. Francisco Gallardo Ibáñez / 4 minutes / 2002  …

Yakana, la constelación de la llama

…nocturno reconocen a Yakana, la constelación de la Llama. Se cree que allí habitan animales mitológicos asociados a la abundancia y prosperidad. Francisco Gallardo Ibáñez / 4 minutos / 2002…

The story of the Shepherdess

…hoists her up, along with the child. Later, as the sun is going down, the weary condor flies home to the cave on the mountain. There, he is devastated to…

The geoglyph of Cerro Sagrado

…marine resources and collected guano from nearby islands. These residents would also have organized the transport of these articles in llama caravans bound for the mountains and Altiplano of Arica….


…guano for use as a fertilizer—all highly prized items among the inlanders. In exchange, the Chango received llama and alpaca wool, as well as fruit, maize, and coca, food products…

Rapa Nui

…plying the waters between Valparaíso, the principal port of the Kingdom of Chile, and El Callao, its counterpart in the Viceroyalty of Peru. These journeys took several months, depending on…


…In ancient times, the people of Rapa Nui subsisted by growing several varieties of plantain, squash, tubers and sugar cane, and complemented their diet with fishing, hunting and gatheringfood…

Art Up Close and Personal

…1 cm in area, indicating clearly that they were designed to be seen from very close range, such as when an individual was leaning down to snuff hallucinogenic powder….

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