Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

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Arid North

…The hispanic arid north: from the Viceroyalty of Peru to the Audience of Charcas In mid-1536, Diego de Almagro began making preparations for his return trip to Peru….

Expedition of the Seven Explorers

…on a stone. They brought mako’i wood and lit the fire by rubbing the two sticks together. Then they cooked the fish, and all seven men ate together. They had…

The Creation

…Some of them disputed his rule over the air, saying: “Let us take charge, because we are many and he is but one.” This angered Ngen the most powerful, so…

Beliefs and funeral rites

…therefore, the triad of Mallku-Pachamama-Amaru was transformed into the Christianized Arajpacha-Akapacha-Manqhapacha, (Heaven-Earth-Hell), expressing the Aymara subordination to colonial and neo-colonial society. In the Aymara vision, time runs in cycles that…

Far South

Among islands, channels and archipelagos: the conquest of Chile’s far south advances conclusively How can we convey the immensity of the endless southern lands, inhabited in the…

Rapa Nui

…plying the waters between Valparaíso, the principal port of the Kingdom of Chile, and El Callao, its counterpart in the Viceroyalty of Peru. These journeys took several months, depending on…

Semi-Arid North

…and made other cultural changes. The new rulers brought their own officials from Cuzco, along with soldiers and mitimaes (groups of foreign laborers), and established relations with local leaders. They…

Carnaval Cariquima

…Mancasaya Tiro con Iglesia Mankasaya en la plaza Mancasaya visita a Araksaya Camino a Cariquima, primera parada, Mancasaya Villablanca – Inicio Carnaval, rueda Mancasaya Chulluncane – Inicio de Carnaval, rueda…

Historia de los guitarroneros según Santos Rubio

…Santos Rubio cuenta la historia de los guitarroneros de Pirque y Puente Alto en el Segundo Encuentro Nacional de Guitarroneros. Este video forma parte de los fragmentos de archivos…

Settlement patterns

…been brought from other communities under the prevailing patrilocal system. The ruka was the traditional dwelling of the extended Mapuche family. These structures differed in size and form, being rectangular,…

Ketru–Emblem of the Married Mapuche Woman

…The ketru metawe is an asymmetrical pitcher in the shape of a duck. Many of these vessels have wings, tails and female breasts, and some include a duckling…

The picture-engravings of Taira

…arte rupestre en los Andes atacameños,” in Arte rupestre en los Andes de Capricornio, J. Berenguer and F. Gallardo, Eds., pp. 21–30, Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, Santiago. For more…

The petroglyphs of Kalina

…near Calina Oeste. Location: Upper Loa River basin, Region II of Antofagasta. Timeframe: Approximately 2500–1600 B.C. Style: Kalina Source: J. Berenguer, 1999, “El evanescente lenguaje del arte rupestre en los…

Rock Art

This section discloses several of the key sites of rock art in Chile, addressing their characteristics, contexts and meanings. The works comprise the three main techniques employed by…


…people. When he received news of an indigenous uprising in Peru against the Pizarro brothers, Almagro decided to abandon his enterprise of conquest and return to Peru through the arid…

Arte rupestre en Caspana: pasado y presente

The petroglyphs of Tamentica

…Middle Guatacondo Ravine, Region Iof Tarapacá. Timeframe: Approximately 100–1500 A.D. Site: Tamentica Source: A. M. Llamazares, 1993, “Arte rupestre de las quebradas de Guatacondo y Quisma, norte de Chile”, Boletín…

The pictographs of Cueva Blanca

…Sinclaire and C. Silva, 1999, “Arte rupestre, emplazamiento y paisaje en la cordillera del desierto de Atacama,” in Arte rupestre en los Andes de Capricornio, J. Berenguer and F. Gallardo,…

The pictographs of Confluencia

…Salado River Basin, Region II of Antofagasta Timeline: Approximately 1000–500 B.C. Style: Confluencia Source: F. Gallardo, C. Sinclaire and C. Silva, 1999, “Arte rupestre, emplazamiento y paisaje en la cordillera…

Cueca Al pasar por un jardín y doña Tila Morales

…Reyes toca guitarra, Marta Rubio tañe guitarra, Santos Rubio Acordeón. Santa Rita de Pirque, 2002. Luego doña Tila Morales, madre de los hermanos Rubio, cantora de noventa años, interpreta un…

The pictographs of El Médano

…H. Niemeyer, 1983, Arte rupestre chileno, pp. 47–51, Ministerio de Educación, Serie Patrimonio cultural chileno, Santiago.G. Mostny and H. Niemeyer, 1984, “Arte rupestre en El Médano, II Región”, Revista Creces…

The pictographs of Milla

…lenguaje del arte rupestre en los Andes atacameños”, inArte rupestre en los Andes de Capricornio, J. Berenguer and F. Gallardo, eds., p. 37, Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, Santiago….

The condor and the shepherdess

…falling into a trap. He suggested that they play a game to see which of them could run the furthest with the other on their back. The shepherdess climbed up…


…least 1500 years. At the start of the fifteenth century, Inka ruler Túpac Yupanqui conquered their territory, bringing new social and political structures and imposing sun worship as the new…