Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

Search Results for: 울진출장안마,의성출장안마🧜‍♀️라인:vx27🧜‍♀️구미출장마사지,부산출장안마,서산출장아가씨,거제후불제출장안마,청도출장안마,영덕콜걸,인천출장안마,속초유흥업소,합천일본인출장,칠곡출장안마,양구출장샵,제주출장안마,무주후불제출장안마,증평콜걸?s=jeongeup


…Little information is available about the Chono people. It is not even known whether they were a single indigenous group or several. Early writers, sailors and missionaries referred to…

Organización Social

…Little is known about the social organization of these groups, although their settlement pattern indicates that they lived in extended family groups composed of a couple, their children and…

Social organization

…The family was the Chono’s basic social unit within this monogamous and patriarchal culture. The men had great authority over the women. The extended family gathered at coastal camps….


…The term ‘Chango’ first appears in the middle of the seventeenth century in reference to a tribe occupying the coastal region between Copiapó and Coquimbo. Over time, use of…

Beliefs and funeral rites

…In the Copiapó and Huasco valleys, the El Molle people usually buried their dead in artificial earth and stone mounds encircled by a line of stones. Most of the…

Beliefs and funeral rites

…The Chinchorro culture offers the earliest complex expression of a cult of the dead and ancestor worship on the arid South American coast. This is seen through the complicated…

San Pedro de Atacama: Música y baile a lo sagrado

…Durante tres días los Bailes Religiosos de los ayllus de San Pedro de Atacama despliegan su música y danzas. A través del testimonio de músicos y bailarines se entreteje…

Settlement pattern

…The oldest coastal groups moved constantly up and down the coastal strip, occupying the same sites time after time and making occasional journeys inland. In the same period the…

Social organization

…These hunter-gatherer groups had an egalitarian society with a division of labor by sex and age only. It is likely that these communities lived in small family bands that…

Organización Social

…The Paleo-Indian peoples were organized into small family groups without social hierarchies, although certain individuals probably attained a level of prestige and authority in decision making through experience or…

Social organization

…The different societies living in Kollasuyu in the mid-15th Century were organized into estates with different levels of social complexity. Local leaders were placed in charge of small territories,…

Social organization

…These groups lived in small family bands and moved up and down the coast. As their marine-based economy became more established they gradually became less mobile, organizing themselves into…

Social organization

…The Pica lived in entities similar to chiefdoms, with a relatively complex hierarchy and authorities that organized the work force within a circumscribed territory. The smallest social units were…


…The Tehuelche’s main prey was guanaco, and the people prized not only the meat but also the skins, which they used to make clothing, blankets, dwellings and other basic…

Chile, 15,000 Years Temporal Exhibition

…Chile, 15,000 years Chile, 15,000 Years is a wide-ranging museum exhibition that includes more than 670 pieces from the collections of the Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino. At…

Social organization

…El desarrollo aldeano asociado a una arquitectura de carácter ceremonial y la proliferación de nuevas actividades de subsistencia, sugiere un aumento de la complejidad social. Debió existir entre los

Agricultural-pastoralists related toTiwanaku State

…Around 600 A.D., the highlands and northernmost valleys of the Arid North would capture the economic interest of Tiwanaku, one of the first states to develop in the…

Settlement Pattern

…Traditional Quechua settlement patterns were organized to facilitate herding and agricultural activities and the collection of land-based resources such as plants. Permanent dwellings are situated near agricultural terraces located…

Social Organization

…Traditional Colla society is organized on the basis of family and friendship ties among people living in the same locality. With the official constitution of indigenous communities under Indigenous

Guerrero invisible

…Video que muestra los profundos desencuentros entre los pascuenses y el estado chileno. Los primeros luchan por volver a ser dueños de la isla y de sus vidas, mientras

Settlement Pattern

…Colla settlements are disperse, and the dwellings remain unoccupied for much of the year, except for in the locality of Agua Dulce, in Potrerillos, which has a small population…

Organización Social

…Little is known about the social organization of the Pitrén people, though it is thought that they lived in relatively autonomous nuclear family units, with the head of the…

Agriculturalists of the South

…La intensificación en la dependencia de los cultivos, que se hizo más fuerte al aumentar las cosechas de maíz, junto con influencias ideológicas llegadas desde el norte, llevaron…

Males and Females on Diaguita Ceramic Vessels

…Many of the ceramic serving bowls produced by the Diaguita Culture bear the image of a male feline head on their exterior surface, probably a jaguar or other…