Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

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The Creation

…upon the Earth, and the sun shone through it and warmed the land. The young man’s mother put her eyes up to the rent, creating a filter that allowed a…

Kai Kai y Treng Treng

…cries caused a great rain to fall. And the rains turned into a storm and then a deluge, flooding all the earth. To save themselves, the Mapuche people ran to…

Culto y Funebria

The scant evidence found to date does not provide any information on this aspect of the southern Paleo-Indian…

Semi-Arid North

language; they also bore the marks of their incorporation into the Inca Empire of Tawantinsuyu. The Incas annexed valleys such as Copiapó for their agricultural and mineral potential and built…

Caicai and Trentren

Caicai. The struggle between the two powerful beings continued until both became tired, and the Chilean landscape was left as we know it today. The tidal waves and earthquakes that…

South Central

…up in the province of the promaucae, chief Caupolicán was victorious in the Araucanía region and the cities of Concepción, La Imperial, Villarrica and Valdivia were besieged. These events also…

Environment and Location

…or ravines there are stands of trees such as carob (mesquite), tamarugo (Prosopis tamarugo), chañar (Geoffroea decorticans), pepper, and others. Local wildlife also varies by region and ecosystem. Animals found…


…Azapa, the local communities grew maize, beans, squash, jíquima and gourds that were sent to the Altiplano by llama caravan. In the Atacama, in contrast, the groups had an economy…

Environment and Location

…herds of large land animals, now extinct, around these more verdant areas. Among these animals were the so-called megafauna, including mastodon, New World horses, swamp deer, early llama and Milodon….


…These groups were farmers and herders who lived in the mountains, taking advantage of the mountain pastures as forage for their llama herds. They grew maize in fields watered…


…resources, establishing small settlements on the coast close to freshwater sources. They moved goods to and from these different zones by llama caravans that traversed the desert and foothill regions….


…their crops destined for sale. A few Quechua families in Ollagüe still raise llama and alpaca herds, practicing the seasonal nomadism this activity requires. The localities of Cosca and Puquios…

Beliefs and funerary practices

…Cosca (in Ollagüe), and the feast of San Antonio de Padua in Estación San Pedro. All of the communities also hold traditional Andean carnivals at the end of the summer….


…in North-Central Chile or the Las Vegas complex in Ecuador. Similarities in artifacts suggest some cultural connection or shared background linking these ancient peoples who colonized South America from the…


…and perfected their ancestral way of life. The increasing complexity of the societies of the Atacameña area, which was closely tied to the traffic of goods with llama caravans, strongly…


…guano for use as a fertilizer—all highly prized items among the inlanders. In exchange, the Chango received llama and alpaca wool, as well as fruit, maize, and coca, food products…


…Until the time of the Spanish conquest, both men and women wore thick tunics made from llama or alpaca wool and drawn in at the waist with a woolen…


…era of the Spanish conquest have shed new light on the culture’s handicrafts. Clothing items recovered include camelid (llama, alpaca and vicuña) wool caps, pelican feather headdresses, sea lion skin…

Beliefs and funeral rites

…According to their myths, the Tehuelche descended from higher beings. Their supreme being was called Kooch, the all powerful ruler of the cosmos, creator of the sun and moon….


…by llama caravan, a form of transportation suited to this mountainous region. During this period, the people expanded the area available for growing by building farming terraces and platforms, along…


…in camelid (alpaca and llama) herds, coupled with the drying up of highland meadows, has resulted in the abandonment of less accessible grazing lands and high-altitude puna regions. Historically, small…