Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

Search Results for: 후불제출장안마,24시안마,순천출장만남,부평여대생출장,【】,해남출장아가씨,충주출장아가씨,광주여대생출장,여주후불제출장안마

De cómo Taiyin vino en ayuda de la gente

Beliefs and funeral rites

community and the family level in the Atacameño culture. In the former case, the most important celebration—and a clear case of a syncretic Andean-Christian belief system—is the patron saint’s day….

Location and Environment

…The Quechua are an indigenous people whose name refers to the language they speak— Quechua. The first Quechua communities to emerge were located in what is now Antofagasta Region…


…the indigenous peoples to the Spanish Empire were relatively complete in vast areas of Mesoamerica (1519) and the Central Andes (1532). Diego de Almagro, as the appointed Adelantado (Provisional Governor…

Arid North

…they brought and obtained along the way. One month later, the men who had come by sea joined Almagro in “Atacama la Grande,” where they were attacked by a group…

Settlement pattern

…The Atacameños’ surroundings are organized along economic and social lines. The environment has three components: the chacra (small agricultural plot), consisting of the permanent dwelling and farming terraces; the…

Beliefs and funeral rites

…on the principle that ‘each person is first of all his own neighbor’. The Kawésqar’s ‘kalakai’ initiation rite was a coming of age ceremony for both men and women. Its…

The story of the wild goose couple

…idea…She began acting very tired, lay down and pretended to sleep, hoping her son would fall asleep too. The little boy remained completely still and also pretended to sleep. Not…


…As mentioned above, the identity of Quechua communities is primarily based on language affiliation. However, while Quechua is spoken primarily by the people of Ollagüe and San Pedro Estación,…

Beliefs and funerary practices

…minerals, as well as health, protection and prosperity for the community. The Quechua also make “payments” to the Pachamama, Mother Earth, asking her for abundant harvests. The Quechua ceremonial calendar…


…The term Diaguita may have come from Quechua or Aymara, as the term exists in both languages, and means hill or mountain. It could also have been created locally,…

Mantel: inkuña

…cubrir la cabeza. El uso ritual de esta pieza es servir como mantel sobre el cual se depositan las ofrendas a las divinidades. Por ello es que frecuentemente se encuentran…


…smelting was introduced. The Mapuche combined these new techniques with their knowledge of metal sheetwork, traditionally used to manufacture copper jewelry. Over time, silver Mapuche jewelry became a central feature…

Settlement pattern

…by the Capac Ñam or Inka Road, which boasted complex engineering works such as bridges and stone staircases. Tambos, located at regular intervals along the road system, served as way…

The Creation

According to the Mapuche cosmovision, in the beginning there was only air, and the master of that air was called Ngen, a powerful spirit who dwelt among other…

Beliefs and Funerary Practices

…Many of the festivities celebrated in Colla communities have been “reinvented” by recovering ancient Andean knowledge and practices and/or adopting celebrations promoted by State institutions, such as the Day…

The encounter

…through the annexation of Tarapacá, its Patagonian territory and its remote Pacific islands. Our journey will commence with the conquest of the transversal valleys of the Semi-arid North, beginning with…

Beliefs and funeral rites

…were practiced in an irregular, more personal manner. Yekamus or shamans were very powerful in Yaghan society. They were respected and feared but not trusted, and the community had no…

Settlement patterns

…two complementary strategies for their movements: some groups of men or nuclear families may have migrated along the coast, establishing temporary camps at fishing sites and coves, while other groups…


…worn by leaders and other high- profile individuals. Traditional Aymara dress is now seen mainly at local community festivals. For women, this consists of an aksu, a black woolen shawl…


…means of access to the region’s resources, and the fur traders either recruited them as guides and assistants or traded with them, bartering skins for items of little commercial value…

Environment and Location

…The indigenous communities of the Atacama Desert are not homogenous but consist of a number of separate cultures. The Atacameño communities live in the oases and valleys of the…

Pa`que coman las almas. La muerte en el alto Loa

…Disco complementario al libro “Pa`que coman las almas. La muerte en el alto Loa”. Contiene los cantos relacionados a los ritos de muerte en los pueblos atacameños de Ayquina…

Central Chile’s First Communities